Thursday, September 29, 2016

My o my a ton of things have been going on since I last posted. Well I realize it is been a couple years I will try to catch everybody up. We have a 2013 coachman Catalina being pulled by a 2014 ram Quad cab. We are now in Phoenix Arizona having a good time. Savannah is involved in the Arizona homeschool theater and doing  very well.  Savannah Jack and I are also doing yoga. I was kind of figured one of the five kids would be the death of me, but I believe it's going to be yoga LOL.  Jj is doing great.  Staying busy with the dogs and taking care of the plants.  we recently bought a piece of property in Colorado and  Arizona. We will be building and off the grid tiny home utilizing solar power, compost toilets, And possibly windmill back up.  Kids are still home schooling/unschooling  and doing wonderful ! They both have made many friends. We are soon to be grandparents again ! That will make 4!!! Well I will try to keep the blog going this time :)